































-  让用户通过选择模型中的3个结构面创建自定义混凝土钢筋自由形态。这将在3个面交叉点(face1 x face2face1 x face3)之间生成一组长度可变的钢筋,其长度自动调整为最接近的结构面

-  让用户从模型中选择曲线元素并使用该曲线来产生钢筋几何曲线,以替换由交叉面生成的曲线

-  它实现了IRebarUpdateServer接口,以定义约束框架中钢筋的行为。它定义了钢筋的处理信息,以及基于输入面生成钢筋的功能。



1. 选择每个钢筋手柄(第一个、第二个、第三个手柄)的一个面来创建钢筋。

2. 选择一条曲线元素(模型线、弧线等)以将其几何用作钢筋几何(可选)。






using Autodesk.Revit.DB;
using Autodesk.Revit.UI;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Revit.SDK.Samples.RebarFreeForm.CS
    /// <summary>
    /// Implements the Revit add-in interface IExternalCommand
    /// </summary>
    public class AddSharedParams : IExternalCommand
        public static string m_paramName = "Updated";
        public static string m_CurveIdName = "CurveElementId";
        /// <summary>
        /// Add two shared parameters to the rebar category instance elements:
        /// Updated: is used to start the regeneration
        /// CurveElementId: is used to store the id of a model curve
        /// </summary>
        public virtual Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
                Document doc = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
                if (doc == null)
                    return Result.Failed;
                using (Transaction tran = new Transaction(doc, "Add shared param"))
                    bool paramsAdded = AddSharedTestParameter(commandData, m_paramName, ParameterType.YesNo, false);
                    paramsAdded &= AddSharedTestParameter(commandData, m_CurveIdName, ParameterType.Integer, true);
                    if (paramsAdded)
                        return Result.Succeeded;
                    return Result.Failed;
            catch (Exception ex)
                return Result.Failed;
        private bool AddSharedTestParameter(ExternalCommandData commandData, string paramName, ParameterType paramType, bool userModifiable)
                // check whether shared parameter exists
                if (ShareParameterExists(commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document, paramName))
                    return true;
                // create shared parameter file
                String modulePath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
                String paramFile = modulePath + "\\RebarTestParameters.txt";
                if (File.Exists(paramFile))
                FileStream fs = File.Create(paramFile);
                // cache application handle
                Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices.Application revitApp = commandData.Application.Application;
                // prepare shared parameter file
                commandData.Application.Application.SharedParametersFilename = paramFile;
                // open shared parameter file
                DefinitionFile parafile = revitApp.OpenSharedParameterFile();
                // create a group
                DefinitionGroup apiGroup = parafile.Groups.Create("RebarTestParamGroup");
                // create a visible param 
                ExternalDefinitionCreationOptions ExtDefinitionCreationOptions = new ExternalDefinitionCreationOptions(paramName, paramType);
                ExtDefinitionCreationOptions.HideWhenNoValue = true;//used this to show the parameter only in some rebar instances that will use it
                ExtDefinitionCreationOptions.UserModifiable = userModifiable;//  set if users need to modify this
                Definition rebarSharedParamDef = apiGroup.Definitions.Create(ExtDefinitionCreationOptions);
                // get rebar category
                Category rebarCat = commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document.Settings.Categories.get_Item(BuiltInCategory.OST_Rebar);
                CategorySet categories = revitApp.Create.NewCategorySet();
                // insert the new parameter
                InstanceBinding binding = revitApp.Create.NewInstanceBinding(categories);
                commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document.ParameterBindings.Insert(rebarSharedParamDef, binding);
                return true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Failed to create shared parameter: " + ex.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a parameter exists based of a name
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc"></param>
        /// <param name="paramName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool ShareParameterExists(Document doc, String paramName)
            BindingMap bindingMap = doc.ParameterBindings;
            DefinitionBindingMapIterator iter = bindingMap.ForwardIterator();
            while (iter.MoveNext())
                Definition tempDefinition = iter.Key;
                // find the definition of which the name is the appointed one
                if (String.Compare(tempDefinition.Name, paramName) != 0)
                // get the category which is bound
                ElementBinding binding = bindingMap.get_Item(tempDefinition) as ElementBinding;
                CategorySet bindCategories = binding.Categories;
                foreach (Category category in bindCategories)
                    if (category.Name
                        == doc.Settings.Categories.get_Item(BuiltInCategory.OST_Rebar).Name)
                        return true;
            return false;


// (C) Copyright 2003-2016 by Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in
// object code form for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted
// provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and
// that both that copyright notice and the limited warranty and
// restricted rights notice below appear in all supporting
// documentation.
// Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to
// restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227-19 (Commercial Computer
// Software - Restricted Rights) and DFAR 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii)
// (Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software), as applicable. 
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using Autodesk;
using Autodesk.Revit;
using Autodesk.Revit.DB;
using Autodesk.Revit.UI;
using Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices;
using Autodesk.Revit.DB.ExternalService;
using Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure;
namespace Revit.SDK.Samples.RebarFreeForm.CS
    /// <summary>
    /// Implements the Revit add-in interface IExternalApplication
    /// </summary>
    public class Application : IExternalApplication
      #region IExternalApplication Members
      RebarUpdateServer m_server = new RebarUpdateServer();
      #region IExternalApplication Interface Implementation
      /// <summary>
      /// Implements the OnShutdown event
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="application"></param>
      /// <returns></returns>
      public Result OnShutdown(UIControlledApplication application)
         return Result.Succeeded;
      /// <summary>
      /// Implements the OnStartup event
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="application"></param>
      /// <returns></returns>
      public Result OnStartup(UIControlledApplication application)
         // Register CurveElement updater with revit to trigger regen in rebar for selected lines
         CurveElementRegenUpdater updater = new CurveElementRegenUpdater(application.ActiveAddInId);
         ElementClassFilter modelLineFilter = new ElementClassFilter(typeof(CurveElement));
         UpdaterRegistry.AddTrigger(updater.GetUpdaterId(), modelLineFilter, Element.GetChangeTypeAny());
         //Register the RebarUpdateServer
         ExternalService service = ExternalServiceRegistry.GetService(m_server.GetServiceId());
         if (service != null)
            return Result.Succeeded;
         return Result.Succeeded;


using System;
using Autodesk.Revit.DB;
using RvtUpdaterId = Autodesk.Revit.DB.UpdaterId;
using RvtAddinId = Autodesk.Revit.DB.AddInId;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
namespace Revit.SDK.Samples.RebarFreeForm.CS
    /// <summary>
    /// This updater is used to regen rebar elements whenever a curveElement that was "Selected" is changed
    /// </summary>
    class CurveElementRegenUpdater : IUpdater
        static AddInId m_appId;
        static UpdaterId m_updaterId;
        public CurveElementRegenUpdater(AddInId id)
            m_appId = id;
            m_updaterId = new UpdaterId(m_appId, new Guid("0935FACA-29B6-468A-95E1-D121BEE58B62"));
        public void Execute(UpdaterData data)
                ICollection<ElementId> modifiedIds = data.GetModifiedElementIds();
                if (modifiedIds.Count > 0)// if any curveElement was modified
                    //get all rebar elements anf filter them, to see which need to be notified of the change
                    FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(data.GetDocument());
                    IList<Element> elemBars = collector.OfClass(typeof(Rebar)).ToElements();
                    foreach(Element elem in elemBars)
                        Rebar bar = elem as Rebar;
                        if (bar == null)
                        if (!bar.IsRebarFreeForm())// only need free form bars
                        RebarFreeFormAccessor barAccess = bar.GetFreeFormAccessor();
                        if (!barAccess.GetServerGUID().Equals(RebarUpdateServer.SampleGuid))// only use our custom FreeForm
                        ElementId id = new  ElementId(bar.LookupParameter(AddSharedParams.m_CurveIdName).AsInteger());
                        if (id == ElementId.InvalidElementId)
                        if (modifiedIds.Contains(id))// if id of line is in the rebar, then trigger regen
                            var param = bar.LookupParameter(AddSharedParams.m_paramName);
                            param.Set(param.AsInteger() == 0? 1: 0);// just flip the value to register a change that will trigger the regeneration of that rebar on commit.
            catch (Exception ex)
        public string GetAdditionalInformation()
            return "this is a sample updater that reacts to changing model lines to change the rebar connected to it";
        public ChangePriority GetChangePriority()
            return ChangePriority.Structure;
        public UpdaterId GetUpdaterId()
            return m_updaterId;
        public string GetUpdaterName()
            return "Line change updater";


// (C) Copyright 2003-2016 by Autodesk, Inc.
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software in
// object code form for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
// provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and
// that both that copyright notice and the limited warranty and
// restricted rights notice below appear in all supporting
// documentation.
// Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to
// restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227-19 (Commercial Computer
// Software - Restricted Rights) and DFAR 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii)
// (Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software), as applicable.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Autodesk.Revit.DB.ExternalService;
using Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices;
using Autodesk.Revit.DB;
using Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure;

namespace Revit.SDK.Samples.RebarFreeForm.CS
/// <summary>
/// Class used to represent a structural face that is part of a rebar constraint.
/// </summary>
class TargetFace
public TargetFace()
Transform = Transform.Identity;
Offset = 0.0;
Face = null;
//Actual face to constrain to
public Face Face{ get; set;}
//The transform of the geometry element where the face belongs
public Transform Transform { get; set; }
//offset value used for calculating bars
public double Offset { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Enum defining the custom handles used by this server to identify the different custom constraints
/// </summary>
enum BarHandle { FirstHandle, SecondHandle, ThirdHandle, StartHandle, EndHandle };

/// <summary>
/// Implements the Revit add-in interface IRebarUpdateServer;
/// This class is an external server that is capable of calculating
/// straight sets of bars of variable length, following the constrained structural planar faces;
/// The Rebar FreeForm element created using this server will have 3 custom Rebar Handles,
/// that can each constrain one planar face, and Start/End handles that will search for targets
/// to constrain automatically, then adjust the curves accordingly.
/// Bar geometry results from intersecting faces and interpolation from the intersection results:
/// - First bar is the intersection of First Handle target with Second Handle target;
/// - Last bar is the intersection of First Handle target with Third Handle target;
/// - All other bars are created between the first and last bar so that they have equal distance between them.
/// </summary>
class RebarUpdateServer : Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure.IRebarUpdateServer
#region Class Members
/// <summary>
/// SampleGuid represents the Guid used by the Revit ExternalService framework to identify this custom IRebarUpdateServer
/// For a Rebar to use this custom external server, pass this Guid to the Rebar.CreateFreeForm(..) function.
/// </summary>
public static System.Guid SampleGuid = new Guid("64D176BA-EB3E-4E96-877D-46A3B0C17B93");

#region Class Interface Implementation

/// <summary>
/// Returns the unique id of this server
/// </summary>
public System.Guid GetServerId()
return SampleGuid;
/// <summary>
/// returns the id of the service that handles this server
/// </summary>
public ExternalServiceId GetServiceId()
return ExternalServices.BuiltInExternalServices.RebarUpdateService;
/// <summary>
/// Returns name of the server
/// </summary>
public System.String GetName()
return "RebarUpdateServerSample";
/// <summary>
/// Returns information about the vendor.
/// </summary>
public System.String GetVendorId()
return "ADSK";
/// <summary>
/// Returns description of this server.
/// </summary>
public System.String GetDescription()
return "Sample to demonstrate implementing an external server to handle rebar constraints calculation";
/// <summary>
/// Function used to define the Rebar Handles used by this server to calculate the constraints when regenerating the Rebar element.
/// Rebar handles represent abstract "parts" of the Rebar that can be custom constrained to one or more targets.
/// A custom Rebar Handle is defined with a unique key (int),
/// that the external server uses to identify each RebarConstraint that is attached to the Rebar and compute accordingly.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Class used to pass information from the external application to the internal Rebar Element.
/// data receives the custom, start and end Rebar handle definitions used by this server
/// </param>
/// <returns> true if handle definition was completed successfully, false otherwise</returns>
public bool GetCustomHandles(RebarHandlesData data)
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Function used to compute the custom RebarHandle position in respect to the Rebar geometry,
/// for display of graphical controls during GraphicalConstraintsManager edit mode
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Class used to pass information between the external application and the internal Rebar Element.
/// data exposes geometry to the external application and receives the calculated absolute positions of the handles in the model space
/// </param>
/// <returns> true if execution was completed successfully, false otherwise</returns>
public bool GetHandlesPosition(RebarHandlePositionData data)
if (data.GetNumberOfBars() <= 0)
return false;

IList<Curve> firstBar = data.GetBarGeometry(0);
data.SetPosition((int)BarHandle.FirstHandle, firstBar[0].Evaluate(0.5, true));
data.SetPosition((int)BarHandle.SecondHandle, firstBar[0].Evaluate(0.3, true));
data.SetPosition((int)BarHandle.ThirdHandle, firstBar[0].Evaluate(0.7, true));
data.SetPosition((int)BarHandle.StartHandle, firstBar[0].Evaluate(0, true));
data.SetPosition((int)BarHandle.EndHandle, firstBar[0].Evaluate(1, true));
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Function resolves the User-facing name for the custom-defined Rebar handles
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handleNameData">Class used to pass information from the external application to the internal Rebar Element.
/// data receives the name for the Rebar Handle it specifies
/// </param>
/// <returns> true if operation was completed successfully, false otherwise</returns>
public bool GetCustomHandleName(RebarHandleNameData handleNameData)
switch (handleNameData.GetCustomHandleTag())
case (int)BarHandle.FirstHandle:
handleNameData.SetCustomHandleName("First Handle");
case (int)BarHandle.SecondHandle:
handleNameData.SetCustomHandleName("Second Handle");
case (int)BarHandle.ThirdHandle:
handleNameData.SetCustomHandleName("Third Handle");
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Function used to compute the geometry information of the Rebar element during document regeneration.
/// Geometry information includes:
/// 1. Graphical representation of the Rebar or Rebar Set;
/// 2. Hook placement;
/// 3. Distribution Path for MRA;
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Class used to pass information from the external application to the internal Rebar Element.
/// Interfaces with the Rebar Element and exposes information needed for geometric calculation during regeneration,
/// such as constrained geometry, state of changed input information, etc.
/// Receives the result of the custom constraint calculation and
/// updates the element after the entire function finished successfully.
/// </param>
/// <returns> true if geometry generation was completed successfully, false otherwise</returns>
public bool GenerateCurves(RebarCurvesData data)
// used to store the faces and transforms used in generation of curves
TargetFace firstFace = new TargetFace();
TargetFace secondFace = new TargetFace();
TargetFace thirdFace = new TargetFace();
//iterate through the available constraints and extract the needed information
IList<RebarConstraint> constraints = data.GetRebarUpdateCurvesData().GetCustomConstraints();
foreach (RebarConstraint constraint in constraints)
if (constraint.NumberOfTargets > 1)
return false;
Transform tempTrf = Transform.Identity;
double dfOffset = 0;
if (!getOffsetFromConstraintAtTarget(data.GetRebarUpdateCurvesData(), constraint, 0, out dfOffset))
return false;

switch ((BarHandle)constraint.GetCustomHandleTag())
case BarHandle.FirstHandle:
Face face = constraint.GetTargetHostFaceAndTransform(0, tempTrf);
firstFace = new TargetFace() { Face = face, Transform = tempTrf, Offset = dfOffset};
case BarHandle.SecondHandle:
Face face = constraint.GetTargetHostFaceAndTransform(0, tempTrf);
secondFace = new TargetFace() { Face = face, Transform = tempTrf, Offset = dfOffset };
case BarHandle.ThirdHandle:
Face face = constraint.GetTargetHostFaceAndTransform(0, tempTrf);
thirdFace = new TargetFace() { Face = face, Transform = tempTrf, Offset = dfOffset };
// check if all the input is present for the calculation, otherwise return error(false).
if (firstFace.Face == null || secondFace.Face == null || thirdFace.Face == null)
return false;

Rebar thisBar = getCurrentRebar(data.GetRebarUpdateCurvesData());
CurveElement selectedCurve = null;
//if a curve elem is selected, we override the geometry we get from the intersections and use the selected curve to create our bar geometries
selectedCurve = getSelectedCurveElement(thisBar, data.GetRebarUpdateCurvesData());
//used to store the resulting curves
List<Curve> curves = new List<Curve>();
Curve originalBar = null;
Curve singleBar = getOffsetCurveAtIntersection(firstFace, secondFace);
if (selectedCurve != null)
Transform trf = Transform.CreateTranslation(singleBar.GetEndPoint(0) - selectedCurve.GeometryCurve.GetEndPoint(0));
originalBar = singleBar;
singleBar = selectedCurve.GeometryCurve.CreateTransformed(trf);
//we can't make any more bars without the first one.
if (singleBar == null)
return false;

// check the layout rule to see if we need to create more bars
// for this example, any rule that is not single will generate bars in the same way,
// creating them at an equal distance to each other, based only on number of bars
RebarLayoutRule layout = data.GetRebarUpdateCurvesData().GetLayoutRule();
switch (layout)
case RebarLayoutRule.Single:// first bar creation: intersect first face with second face to get a curve
case RebarLayoutRule.FixedNumber:
case RebarLayoutRule.NumberWithSpacing:
case RebarLayoutRule.MaximumSpacing:
case RebarLayoutRule.MinimumClearSpacing:
Curve lastBar = getOffsetCurveAtIntersection(firstFace, thirdFace);// create last bar

// keep the curves pointing in the same direction
var firstBar = (selectedCurve != null) ? originalBar : singleBar;
if (lastBar == null || !alignBars(ref firstBar, ref lastBar))
return false;
if (selectedCurve != null)
Transform trf = Transform.CreateTranslation(lastBar.GetEndPoint(0) - selectedCurve.GeometryCurve.GetEndPoint(0));
lastBar = selectedCurve.GeometryCurve.CreateTransformed(trf);

if (!generateSet(singleBar, lastBar, layout,
data.GetRebarUpdateCurvesData().Spacing, ref curves, selectedCurve == null ? null : selectedCurve.GeometryCurve))
return false;

// check if any curves were created
if (curves.Count <= 0)
return false;

// create the distribution path for the bars that were created;
// one single bar will not have a distribution path.
List<Curve> distribPath = new List<Curve>();
for (int ii = 0; ii < curves.Count - 1; ii++)
distribPath.Add(Line.CreateBound(curves[ii].Evaluate(0.5, true), curves[ii + 1].Evaluate(0.5, true)));
// set distribution path if we have a path created
if (distribPath.Count>0)

// add each curve as separate bar in the set.
for (int ii = 0; ii < curves.Count; ii++)
List<Curve> barCurve = new List<Curve>();

// set the hook normals for each bar added
// important!: hook normals set here will be reset if bar geometry is changed on TrimExtendCurves
// so they need to be recalculated then.
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
XYZ normal = computeNormal(curves[ii], firstFace, i);
if (normal != null)
data.GetRebarUpdateCurvesData().SetHookPlaneNormalForBarIdx(i, ii, normal);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Function used to adjust the computed geometry information of the rebar element and has two logical parts:
/// - Selection of structural faces for creation of Start of Bar and End of Bar Constraints when needed
/// (Constraints created here are visible and modifiable in the Graphical Constraints Manager in native Revit)
/// The constraint search is done by listing all the faces from the structural pointed to by the FirstHandle constraint
/// and then picking the face that has the closest intersection point with either the curves in the rebar, or their extensions
/// - Adjustments are done to the start/end of the bars according to the corresponding constraints
/// Each bar will be lengthened to the intersection point of the tangent in the curve's specified end with the corresponding constraint face,
/// or it will be shortened to the intersection point of the curve itself with the corresponding constraint face.
/// - Hook normals for each bar are calculated for the newly modified curves.
/// This function is called after the successful execution of GenerateCurves
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Class used to pass information from the external application to the internal Rebar Element.
/// Interfaces with the Rebar Element and exposes information needed for Constraint creation, face searching, and
/// receives the result of the Start/End constraint calculation.
/// updates are done on the element after the entire function finished successfully.
/// </param>
/// <returns> true if execution was completed successfully, false otherwise</returns>
public bool TrimExtendCurves(RebarTrimExtendData data)
if (getSelectedCurveElement(getCurrentRebar(data.GetRebarUpdateCurvesData()), data.GetRebarUpdateCurvesData()) != null)
return true;

// extract the curves from the element.
IList<Curve> allbars = new List<Curve>();
for (int ii = 0; ii < data.GetRebarUpdateCurvesData().GetBarsNumber(); ii++)
// Place for caching the faces of the host used in constraint search.
List<TargetFace> hostFaces = new List<TargetFace>();

// repeat process for each end of the Rebar.
for (int iBarEnd = 0; iBarEnd < 2; iBarEnd++)
List<TargetFace> faces = new List<TargetFace>();
// get current Start/End constraint
RebarConstraint constraint = (iBarEnd == 0) ? data.GetRebarUpdateCurvesData().GetStartConstraint() :

//if no constraint present, then search for a new one
if (constraint == null)
if (hostFaces.Count <= 0)// fetch the faces of the structural used for searching constraints.
// used compute references to true to make sure we can create constraints with the faces we find
Options geomOptions = new Options();
geomOptions.ComputeReferences = true;
// the host structural is considered the first structural in the first constraint
GeometryElement elemGeometry = data.GetRebarUpdateCurvesData().GetCustomConstraints()[0].GetTargetElement(0).get_Geometry(geomOptions);
if (elemGeometry == null)
return false;
hostFaces = getFacesFromElement(elemGeometry);

// for each bar try to find the closest face that intersects with it, or its extension, at the specified end
for (int idx = 0; idx < allbars.Count; idx++)
faces.Add(searchForFace(allbars[idx], hostFaces, iBarEnd));

// gather valid references for constraint creation
List<Reference> refs = new List<Reference>();
foreach (TargetFace face in faces)
if (face.Face.Reference != null && !refs.Contains(face.Face.Reference))

// if we have any valid references, we create the constraint for the specified bar end.
if (refs.Count > 0)
if (iBarEnd == 0)
data.CreateStartConstraint(refs, false, 0.0);
data.CreateEndConstraint(refs, false, 0.0);
else// if constraint is present, extract needed information to calculate trim/extend
for (int nTarget = 0; nTarget < constraint.NumberOfTargets; nTarget++)
var trf = Transform.Identity;
Face constrainedFace = constraint.GetTargetHostFaceAndTransform(nTarget, trf);
if (constrainedFace == null)
double dfOffset;
if (getOffsetFromConstraintAtTarget(data.GetRebarUpdateCurvesData(), constraint, 0, out dfOffset))
faces.Add(new TargetFace() { Face = constrainedFace, Transform = trf, Offset = dfOffset });

// for each bar, find out where it intersects with the selected faces and replace the original curve with a new one that is shorter or longer.
// first search for extension intersection (use tangent curve in the end point of the curve), then search for actual curve intersection
for (int idx = 0; idx < allbars.Count; idx++)
XYZ intersection;
Curve barCurve = allbars[idx];
if (!(barCurve is Line))// this code only deals with input curves that are straight lines
return false;
Line tangent = Line.CreateUnbound(barCurve.GetEndPoint(iBarEnd), barCurve.ComputeDerivatives(iBarEnd, true).BasisX.Normalize() * (iBarEnd == 0 ? -1 : 1));
if (getIntersection(tangent, faces, out intersection) || getIntersection(barCurve, faces, out intersection))
Curve newCurve = null;
newCurve = (iBarEnd == 0) ? Line.CreateBound(intersection, barCurve.GetEndPoint(1)) :
Line.CreateBound(barCurve.GetEndPoint(0), intersection);
catch { }
// if new curve available, replace the old one.
if (newCurve != null)
allbars[idx] = newCurve;

// get the FirstHandle constraint and extract the target face to use in determining the hook orientation for each bar
TargetFace firstFace = new TargetFace();
IList<RebarConstraint> constraints = data.GetRebarUpdateCurvesData().GetCustomConstraints();
foreach (RebarConstraint constraint in constraints)
if ((BarHandle)constraint.GetCustomHandleTag() == BarHandle.FirstHandle)
Transform tempTrf = Transform.Identity;
double dfOffset;
if (!getOffsetFromConstraintAtTarget(data.GetRebarUpdateCurvesData(), constraint, 0, out dfOffset))
return false;
firstFace = new TargetFace() { Face = constraint.GetTargetHostFaceAndTransform(0, tempTrf), Transform = tempTrf, Offset = dfOffset };

// add each curve as separate bar in the set.
for (int ii = 0; ii < allbars.Count; ii++)
List<Curve> barCurve = new List<Curve>();
// hook normals are reset when adding new bar geometry, so we need to
// set the hook normals for each bar that was modified
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
XYZ normal = computeNormal(allbars[ii], firstFace, i);
if (normal != null)
data.GetRebarUpdateCurvesData().SetHookPlaneNormalForBarIdx(i, ii, normal );
return true;

#region Class Implementations

/// <summary>
/// function used to extract current rebar
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data"> data used to pass or get information regarding constraints cover</param>
/// <returns>Current rebar element being regenerated</returns>
Rebar getCurrentRebar(RebarUpdateCurvesData data)
ElementId rebarId = data.GetRebarId();
return data.GetDocument().GetElement(rebarId) as Rebar;

CurveElement getSelectedCurveElement(Rebar bar, RebarUpdateCurvesData data)
RebarFreeFormAccessor barAccess = bar.GetFreeFormAccessor();
ElementId id = new ElementId(bar.LookupParameter(AddSharedParams.m_CurveIdName).AsInteger());
return data.GetDocument().GetElement(id) as CurveElement;
/// <summary>
/// function used to extract offset value from constraint
/// </summary>
/// <param name="updateData"> data used to pass or get information regarding constraints cover</param>
/// <param name="constraint">constraint from which we extract the offset information</param>
/// <param name="targetIdx">index of target in constraint</param>
/// <param name="offset"> output value </param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool getOffsetFromConstraintAtTarget(RebarUpdateCurvesData updateData, RebarConstraint constraint, int targetIdx, out double offset)
offset = 0.0;
if (updateData == null || constraint == null)
return false;

double barDiam = updateData.GetBarDiameter();
var rebarStyle = updateData.GetRebarStyle();
var attachment = updateData.GetAttachmentType();
bool bIsInside = rebarStyle == RebarStyle.Standard || (rebarStyle != RebarStyle.Standard && attachment == StirrupTieAttachmentType.InteriorFace);

if (constraint.IsToCover())
if (targetIdx < 0 || targetIdx >= constraint.NumberOfTargets)
return false; // incorrect index
RebarCoverType coverType = constraint.GetTargetCoverType(targetIdx);
double coverDist = (coverType == null) ? 0.0 : coverType.CoverDistance;
double diameterOffset = (barDiam / 2);
if (bIsInside)
diameterOffset *= -1;
offset = constraint.GetDistanceToTargetCover() - coverDist + diameterOffset;
return true;

offset = constraint.GetDistanceToTargetHostFace();
return true;
/// <summary>
/// function that finds the closest face to a specified end of a curve of the direction of the curve
/// </summary>
/// <param name="curve">
/// curve used to find the closest face
/// </param>
/// /// <param name="faces">
/// list of faces that are parsed to find the closest one
/// </param>
/// /// <param name="iEnd">
/// input parameter specifying the curve end for wich the search is taking place
/// </param>
/// <returns> the FaceTrf that is closest to the curve end</returns>
private TargetFace searchForFace(Curve curve, List<TargetFace> faces, int iEnd)
TargetFace bestFace = new TargetFace();
double minDistance = Double.MaxValue;
// create tangent to find intersections on the curve's extension
Line tangent = Line.CreateUnbound(curve.GetEndPoint(iEnd), curve.ComputeDerivatives(iEnd, true).BasisX.Normalize() * (iEnd == 0 ? -1 : 1));
// iterate through faces and keep the face closest to the specified end of the curve
foreach (TargetFace hostFace in faces)
IntersectionResultArray results;
// intersect tangent to find faces outside the curve
if (hostFace.Face.Intersect(tangent.CreateTransformed(hostFace.Transform.Inverse), out results) == SetComparisonResult.Overlap)
foreach (IntersectionResult intersect in results)
double distance = hostFace.Transform.OfPoint(intersect.XYZPoint).DistanceTo(curve.GetEndPoint(iEnd));
// if intersection is not on the curve( "behind" the tangent origin, considering the direction),
// and the distance from the end of the curve to the face is the smallest, keep face.
double param = tangent.Project(hostFace.Transform.OfPoint(intersect.XYZPoint)).Parameter;
if ( param >= 0 && distance < minDistance)
bestFace = hostFace;
minDistance = distance;
if (hostFace.Face.Intersect(curve.CreateTransformed(hostFace.Transform.Inverse), out results) == SetComparisonResult.Overlap)
foreach (IntersectionResult intersect in results)
double distance = hostFace.Transform.OfPoint(intersect.XYZPoint).DistanceTo(curve.GetEndPoint(iEnd));
if (distance < minDistance)
bestFace = hostFace;
minDistance = distance;
return bestFace;

/// <summary>
/// calculates the normal of the plane in which hooks for a certain curve should bend.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="curve">
/// hook normal is calculated for this curve
/// </param>
/// /// <param name="face">
/// face used as a reference for finding the hook normal, together with the curve
/// </param>
/// /// <param name="iEnd">
/// specifies the end at which the hook normal to be calculated
/// </param>
/// <returns> the plane normal that was calculated</returns>
private XYZ computeNormal(Curve curve, TargetFace face, int iEnd)
XYZ curveTangent = curve.ComputeDerivatives(iEnd, true).BasisX.Normalize();
XYZ refPoint = curve.GetEndPoint(iEnd);
IntersectionResult proj = face.Face.Project(face.Transform.Inverse.OfPoint(refPoint));
if (proj == null)
return null;
return face.Face.ComputeNormal(proj.UVPoint).Negate().CrossProduct(curveTangent);

/// <summary>
/// function that tries to find the first intersection
/// between the provided curve and one of the faces provided.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="curve">
/// curve that is to be intersected with the faces provided
/// </param>
/// /// <param name="faces">
/// list of faces that are used to find an intersection
/// </param>
/// /// <param name="intersection">
/// output parameter to return the intersection point.
/// </param>
/// <returns> true if an intersection was found, false otherwise</returns>
private bool getIntersection(Curve curve, List<TargetFace> faces, out XYZ intersection)
foreach (TargetFace face in faces)
IntersectionResultArray results;
Curve curveTrf = curve.CreateTransformed(face.Transform.Inverse);
if (face.Face.Intersect(curveTrf, out results) == SetComparisonResult.Overlap)
foreach (IntersectionResult result in results)
if (curveTrf.Project(result.XYZPoint).Parameter < 0)
intersection = face.Transform.OfPoint(result.XYZPoint);
return true;
intersection = new XYZ();
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Function that generates the bars between the first and last bar of the set, according to the layout rule
/// </summary>
/// <param name="firstCurve"></param>
/// <param name="lastCurve"></param>
/// <param name="layout"></param>
/// <param name="nbOfBars"></param>
/// <param name="spacing"></param>
/// <param name="curves"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool generateSet(Curve firstCurve, Curve lastCurve, RebarLayoutRule layout, int nbOfBars, double spacing, ref List<Curve> curves, Curve overrideCurve)
Line startLine = Line.CreateBound(firstCurve.Evaluate(0, true), lastCurve.Evaluate(0, true));
Line endLine = Line.CreateBound(firstCurve.Evaluate(1, true), lastCurve.Evaluate(1, true));
int barNumber = nbOfBars-2;
//see how many bar we can fit
int numberOfBarsWhichCanFit = (int)((startLine.Length - double.Epsilon) / spacing) + 2;
if (layout == RebarLayoutRule.NumberWithSpacing && numberOfBarsWhichCanFit != nbOfBars) //check if required number of bars fits between ends
return false;
if (layout == RebarLayoutRule.MaximumSpacing ||
layout == RebarLayoutRule.MinimumClearSpacing)
barNumber = numberOfBarsWhichCanFit - 2;

double nEval = 0.0;
for (int ii = 0; ii < barNumber; ii++)
nEval = (double)(ii + 1) / (double)(barNumber + 1);
Curve newBar = (overrideCurve != null )? overrideCurve.CreateTransformed(Transform.CreateTranslation(startLine.Evaluate(nEval, true) - overrideCurve.GetEndPoint(0)))
: Line.CreateBound(startLine.Evaluate(nEval, true), endLine.Evaluate(nEval, true));
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Function that checks if two bars(Curves) have the same "direction"
/// </summary>
/// <param name="firstBar">bar that stays put, e.g. gives the wanted direction</param>
/// <param name="secondBar">bar that flips if it's direction is not the same as the first</param>
/// <returns></returns>
private bool alignBars(ref Curve firstBar, ref Curve secondBar)
if (firstBar.Evaluate(0, true).DistanceTo(secondBar.Evaluate(0, true)) >
firstBar.Evaluate(0, true).DistanceTo(secondBar.Evaluate(1, true)))
secondBar = Line.CreateBound(secondBar.GetEndPoint(1), secondBar.GetEndPoint(0));
catch { return false; }
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Function used to intersect 2 faces to obtain an offseted curve.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="firstFace"></param>
/// <param name="secondFace"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private Curve getOffsetCurveAtIntersection(TargetFace firstFace, TargetFace secondFace)
Curve firstCurve;
FaceIntersectionFaceResult result = firstFace.Face.Intersect(secondFace.Face, out firstCurve);
// if faces do not intersect, or do not return a Line, then consider the input invalid and return error
if (result == FaceIntersectionFaceResult.NonIntersecting || !(firstCurve is Line))
return null;
XYZ pointOnCurve = firstCurve.Evaluate(0, true);
XYZ FirstOffsetVec = firstFace.Face.ComputeNormal(firstFace.Face.Project(pointOnCurve).UVPoint).Normalize();
XYZ SecondOffsetVec = secondFace.Face.ComputeNormal(secondFace.Face.Project(pointOnCurve).UVPoint).Normalize();
XYZ offsetVec = (FirstOffsetVec * firstFace.Offset) + (SecondOffsetVec * secondFace.Offset);
Transform offsetTrf = Transform.CreateTranslation(offsetVec);
return firstCurve.CreateTransformed(offsetTrf.Multiply(firstFace.Transform));
/// <summary>
/// function that iterates through a geometry element to get all the faces it is composed of
/// </summary>
/// <param name="geometryElement">
/// element that needs to be parsed to fetch all the faces
/// </param>
/// /// <param name="trf">
/// transform of the geometry element provided.
/// this is applicable for geometries that come from familyInstance
/// </param>
/// <returns> list of faces that make up the provided element </returns>
private List<TargetFace> getFacesFromElement(GeometryElement geometryElement, Transform trf = null)
List<TargetFace> result = new List<TargetFace>();
if (geometryElement != null)
foreach (GeometryObject geometryObject in geometryElement)
Solid solid = geometryObject as Solid;
if(solid == null)
GeometryInstance geometryInstance = geometryObject as GeometryInstance;
if (geometryInstance != null)
Transform transform = geometryInstance.Transform;
List<TargetFace> nestedFaces = getFacesFromElement(geometryInstance.SymbolGeometry, transform);
if (nestedFaces == null)
return null;
foreach (TargetFace nestedFace in nestedFaces)
foreach (Face face in solid.Faces)
result.Add(new TargetFace() { Face = face, Transform = (trf == null )? Transform.Identity : trf });
return result.Count > 0 ? result : null;